Our goal is to help visitors to your area easily find local music and food and drink specials.

For Visitors and Locals
- Find your favorite artists and bands
- Find daily food specials
- Scan the QR code or add the app url to your browser to access the app
- The app focuses on “what’s going on” Today and within the next week
- Simply select any Day to see what’s happening!

For Venues
- Easily update your venue info, music and food specials on your cell phone or computer
- Work together with other venues to bring the best experiences to visitors and locals alike
- Make the most of your music budget with this free and easy promotion
- Measure the results! Create unique food specials and track their sales.

For Chambers, DMOs and Visitor Centers
- Affordable, scalable pricing based on the number of venues signed up
- An easy, efficient way to let visitors know what’s going on TODAY
- Easily promote the App with QR codes embedded in your promotional materials and online.
- Venues, artists and bands complete their info in the app, so all you need to do is monitor What’s Going On!
- Google Analytics shows you how your tourism app is performing
- Use Your Url! The app url can use your exisitng domain or use a new one created by you
- White Label! Use your branding in the app or create a new look unique to your area!
- Subscriptions start at only $149 per month (based on 15 venues)
- You may wholly Sponsor the App for local Venues or charge a fee to each Venue. Visitors and Artists/Bands never pay.
- Pay monthly via our online PayPal link (fees will adjust as venues are added. Schedule is provided)
- Customizations like categories for hotels, vacation rentals, activities, and events are available for an added fee.

To see how it works, check out the LIVE South Padre Fun app. Use URL app.southpadre.fun or this QR code.

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