Wisconsin Innkeepers to Attend Governor’s Conference
WIGCOT (Wisconsin Governor Conference on Tourism) is an annual 3-day education and networking event for Wisconsin innkeepers, restaurateurs, community tourism officials, tourism attraction operators, state agency officials, tourism educators, and more. The event offers many breakout sessions that are very educational. WIGCOT is held March 15-17 this year in LaCrosse. If you are not already registered, it will cost $275.00 for the 3 days or $140.00 for a day registration. You also have the option of going to the Governor’s Award Dinner and that will cost $60.00. Here is an overview of a few of the break out sessions that would be beneficial for hotel and lodging owners.
The Multicultural Marketing Session with Lauren Banks covers how the multicultural market represents one of the most powerful growth opportunities for the industry. The session will help you gain a competitive edge with the most brand-loyal consumers in America.
There is a session called Technology Trends Changing Consumer Behavior with Kyle Lacy. This session will show you the technology trends and how they affect the industry. For instance, Uber has announced a valuation of $10 billion without owning a single bed, bath, or room. They also have 1 million customers per month.
There has been a recent spike in security breaches. There is a session called Data Privacy and Security for Businesses that will cover the Wisconsin data breach notification law; what it’s about and what is covered under the law. The session also covers how to minimize your customers information being at risk.
Art of Social Media Marketing with Kyle Lacy is a trendy session that will show you how to effectively use social media. He’ll cover the do’s and don’ts of using social media, how to integrate social media into your marketing strategy and which networks work best. Attendees will learn how to use social media to build an engaged community.
Another session that would be beneficial is Data Driven Marketing Decisions: Understanding Your Visitor. It shows you how to tailor the consumers marketing messages to attract them to your business. The session also shows the best practices in info gathering and how to use the information to make data driven marketing decisions.
The conference does offer many more breakout sessions that may be more specific for your particular business. For a full list of breakout sessions offered and schedule, you may find that information at: http://wigcot.org/agenda.shtml