How Small Businesses Get the Most from Social Media

Just how are small businesses using social media? What level of online presence should you have? One way to start is to review what other small business owners are doing and model it after them. Once again our friends at Mashable! have provided some insights in their latest Infographics report. In a nutshell, here’s what…

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First Steps to Successful Marketing on Facebook

Today, there are more than 500 million active users, 50% of these users log in daily. Every average user has 130 friends. People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. With those kinds of statistics Facebook is a natural for B2C businesses trying to build a loyal following: businesses like restaurants, hotels, sporting…

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First Steps to Successful Inbound Marketing

So, you’ve watched Socialnomics with Eric Qualman and now you ‘get it’. Haven’t seen it yet? Here it is again. Now, you’re ready to begin the first steps to successful Inbound Marketing. Because traditional marketing will never be the same. It will no longer get you ‘there’. If you want to move your business forward, then…

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Facebook updates for your profile and for your business

Facebook Profiles update Facebook is implementing some changes that affect your personal profiles again. In the past, they have taken some criticism that their abrupt improvements were questionable. This time around, it seems Facebook has learned and improved on how they go about the update. They’ve added a wizard that helps and walks you through…

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Opposing facebook stories-of-the-day

Okay everyone, Jimmy Kimmel has declared that facebook is irrelevant and that tomorrow is National Unfriend Day Are you with him? Ironically, facebook is attempting to make Jimmy K. irrelevant by announcing, today, that it will be launching facebook messages, This will add messaging similar to Google’s gmail to its mix. Watch the video to…

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